Cyr is the clear choice to succeed Sen. Wolf

Read this letter from Brian Davis in the Cape Cod Times.

As Julian Cyr’s elementary school principal, I had the privilege of watching this young man grow and develop from a child to a highly successful and accomplished adult.

As such, I have a rather unique perspective and awareness of the skills, abilities and accomplishments that make him the clear choice to succeed Sen. Dan Wolf. Mr. Cyr’s qualifications have been repeatedly and quite accurately expressed here. Some very important aspects of Mr. Cyr’s credentials that should not be overlooked are his honesty, integrity and compassion. These are character traits that have defined Julian since he was a child attending Truro Central School. It is the very essence of who he will be as our next senator.

At a time when it appears honesty, integrity and compassion are absent in those seeking political office, I assure that Mr. Cyr is the real deal. Julian will represent us, our interests, our needs, our values. A vote for Mr. Cyr is a vote for so much more than our next senator; it is a vote for our future.

Brian Davis


— The writer is the retired superintendent of the Truro School District.
