Cyr will build on Sen. Wolf's successes

Thank you to Lydia Vivante, Chair of the Wellfleet Democratic Town Committee for submitting this letter to the editor in support of Julian.

Readers very likely ask how we can get young people involved in civic issues and public life. Here's how: by electing Democrat Julian Cyr to the state Senate.

Julian Cyr is a creative, progressive and highly organized leader. He and his team work hard, and they communicate easily with people of all ages and backgrounds.

Our district leads the way in LGBTQ grass-roots activism. Together we can make local, then national change. Just look at marriage equality movement: It starts with an inclusive, community-based approach to solving problems.

I believe Julian will build on the civic, environmental and cultural successes of outgoing Sen. Dan Wolf.

Julian’s opponents offer a more conventional approach and have so far not made much progress on the critical issues we face: opioid treatment and prevention, year-round housing, protecting the health of our environment while developing the blue/marine economy.

Julian — born in Truro, educated in the Nauset schools and at New York University — has national and local experience; he is a public servant who lives and works for Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard, and Nantucket. I encourage readers to vote for Julian Cyr in the Sept. 8 state primary.

Lydia Vivante

