Cyr has both experience and intellect for Senate

My great friend and longtime Wellfleet resident Terry Gips wrote this letter to the editor in support of my campaign. Thank you Terry!

Julian Cyr is the best candidate to follow Dan Wolf at the state Senate for the Cape and Islands District.

He knows the varied voices and needs of the communities from Provincetown to Barnstable, to Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket. He knows what it’s like to grow up and go to school here, to work in a local family business. He enjoys listening, learning the facts, bringing people together and taking action that will give results.

I worked side by side with him as he led efforts on the Cape in the election campaigns of President Obama, Gov. Patrick and Sen. Warren. I’ve seen Julian use both his university and day-to-day experience to move into positions of great responsibility at the state level. He learned the intricate process of getting legislation through the Senate and Legislature — understanding the protocols and the people. Julian is a “people person”: always thoughtful, open and respectful. He has the patience to learn, the intellect to see the big picture and the capacity to move from idea to action.

I urge readers on Sept. 8 to vote for Julian Cyr for state Senate.

Terry Gips

